防灰尘测试 产品测试

立正检测实验室 2022-1-19 720

2.27 灰尘




调整粉尘进料控制,使粉尘浓度为10.6 ± 7 g/m3









N018鉴定计划 第16






试验室性能 - 应创建一个图表,显示试验室对测试曲线的表现。最好是在同一张图上显示轮廓设置点和试验室的测量结果。

DUT操作 - 通常情况下,产品在测试过程中被操作,因此有内在的数据点,无论DUT是否运行。最好是将其记录为小到1秒的连续记录,但也可以简单到由技术人员进行定时检查。

照片 - 每个轴迭代后和测试结束时的装置照片应在报告中提供。

DUT测试后的性能 - 数据或关于DUT和关键部件从试验室移出后如何操作的描述。

立正检测销售李经理 详情咨询微信michaeljackson8888同行勿扰

2.27 Dust


Follow MIL-STD-810G Method 510.5 Procedure I (Blowing Dust)

 With the DUT oriented correctly in the chamber and stabilized at standard ambient temperature adjust the air velocity to 8.9 + 1.3m/s, or as otherwise determined from the DUT’s environmental test plan

 Adjust the dust feed control for a dust concentration of 10.6 ± 7 g/m3

 Unless otherwise specified, maintain the conditions of Steps 1 and 2 for at least 6 hours. If required, periodically reorient the test item to expose vulnerable faces to the dust stream as outlined in DUT’s reliability test plan.

 Stop the dust feed. Reduce the air velocity to approximately 1.5 ± 1 m/s and adjust the temperature to the required high operational temperature as described in the test plan.

 Maintain Step 4 conditions for a minimum of 1 hour following test item temperature stabilization.

 Adjust the air velocity to that used in Step 1 and restart the dust feed to maintain the dust concentration as in Step 2.

 Continue the exposure for at least 6 hours or as otherwise specified.

 Stop the dust feed and allow the item to return to standard ambient conditions. Stop any airflow and allow the dust to settle.

 Remove accumulated dust from the test item by brushing, wiping, or shaking, taking care to avoid introduction of additional dust or disturbing any that may have already entered the DUT. (DO NOT remove any dust by either air blast or vacuum cleaning unless specified to do so).

QSC, LLC Confidential

N018 qualification plan Page 16



 Operate the unit and compare results with pretest data.



There is no pass/fail criteria set for this test. It is meant to be exploratory. All results should be documented and reviewed.

Reports and Action

Images of the unit after the test must be included in the report. Any degradation or failure in performance should be reported with root-cause analysis. The following data must be captured and recorded during the test:

Chamber performance - A plot should be created that shows how the chamber performed against the test profile. It is best to show the profile set points and the chamber measurements on the same plot.

DUT Operation - Typically product’s are operated during the test and therefore have the innate data point on whether the DUT is operating or not. It is best if this is recorded as a continuous record of intervals as small as 1 second, but it can be as simple as a timed check by a technician.

Photos - Photos of the unit after each axis iteration and at the end of the test should be supplied in the report

DUT Post-Test Performance - Data or a description on how the DUT and critical components operate after removal from the chamber. 

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